And We're Back!
I wanted to start by catching up chronologically, but most of the old stuff is on my tower, so I guess I’ll start with the present. That way you can be all thrown off and like, “What? How’d we get here?”, all Memento-like. So my tower (i.e. computer) died, thus delaying the return of the blog and yes I am suffering from WoW withdrawal. Damn, so close to level 60 too. Hopefully it’s something I can just get them to fix or swap out in a day since a trip to the nearest Best Buy from Pullman is pretty much a full day trip. As I always say, “Pullman, a full day from anywhere”. | ||
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Video Audio Integrated Operation my ass! | ||
Once I commandeered Amanda’s laptop I got caught up on the latest tech news. Before this week I had no interest in any of the three upcoming home consoles, but Nintendo’s remote control shaped nun chuck controller with its gyroscopic sensitivity was enough to get me looking for the release date. What’s gyroscopic sensitivity mean to gaming? Well many of its uses are demonstrated in this video, but just imagine gripping one in each hand and playing a brand new Punch-Out!! with the Revolution detecting your jabs, uppercuts, blocks and dodges. I have to hand it to Nintendo for having the balls to take a risk with something so central to the consoles success. Taking a different approach to the control scheme seems to be working for Nintendo’s DS though. While the PSP has some beautiful ports from the PS2 the DS is receiving some real innovations in game play mechanics and design. It seems likely that this will be the story for the next generation of consoles as well. The PS3 and Xbox 360 with their boomerang and dent-canned-ham respectively will undoubtedly be an improvement on the same old but the Revolution looks to truly try to do something new. That’s why the Nintendo Revolution made it to my Froogle Wishlist. | ||
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It's like what the Power Glove and U-Force should have been. | ||
So I hope to finally get the van door fixed so it will close this week. Then I guess I’ll be taking a drive to Spokane to get my computer fixed. At least I can browse Best Buy while I wait. It’s like the grown man’s Toys R’ Us. | ||